Member of Dwight
The Dwight Economic Alliance works to improve the overall economic condition and sustainability of the Village of Dwight. Our work impacts every business in Dwight, and every business in Dwight plays a role in Dwight’s future. For that reason, we encourage each and every business in the Dwight area to join the Alliance in some capacity.
In addition to supporting our work through your membership dues, we encourage you to play an active role in the Alliance by attending our Board meetings and participating on a committee.
Member Benefits
While we hope that businesses join the alliance out of a desire for the long-term common good, membership does have tangible short-term benefits. We encourage you to review our Member Benefits page to learn more.
How Do I Join?
Visit our Become a Member page to learn more about each membership level and to download the application form.
How is Membership Money Used?
By pooling resources into one organization focused on the economic health of the community, your membership dues allow us to focus on the big picture and to make key investments in Dwight. These investments make the town more attractive to existing and new businesses, as well as to community members and visitors.
Some of the many projects we fund include:
- Marketing the town to potential investors and developers, with an eye toward long-term job growth
- Marketing our community to tourists and visitors
- Organizing and running several community-wide events each year
- Staffing the Dwight Welcome Center (Texaco Station)
- Directing, greeting, and leading tour buses.
- Providing Downtown Facade Grants
- Running the Cute Up Your Corner campaign
- Providing, planting, and maintaining village planters
- Providing town decorations
- Providing tourist signage
- Maintaining this website and much more.